This is how did I resolve LNK2019 issue in my VS2010 Solution Today

Today, I encountered an error while building my solution in Visual Studio 2010.

It includes two projects, one of which is to build a DLL. The error message I received is LNK2019.

Finally, this issue was resolved by adding an additional blank row at the end of the .def file. LOL

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  1. Actually, Once DLL project being ok, I failed to call the function in the .lib file which is built by that DLL project in the other project, still gave a LNK2019 error…
    Finally, I recognized that a function had a WCHAR type parameter and decided to change its type. After making the necessary modification, everything started working correctly.

  2. Also, you can change the properties of project on C++->language->Trait WCHR_t as built in type option, select no.


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